Forge Greensboro is a 501(c)3 nonprofit community makerspace. It is a place where hands-on people can gather to work on projects while sharing ideas, equipment, tools, and knowledge. Members of the Forge come from a diverse variety of backgrounds. Students, entrepreneurs, artisans, trade professionals, tinkerers, and hobbyists enjoy the space, community, and resources of Forge Greensboro.
The Forge's Mission is to foster a creative and collaborative environment for experimentation and development in making, skill building, technology, and art through interacting with the local community through education and cultural participation, and sharing the experience of making locally and globally.
The Forge's Vision is to catalyze the spirit of making to improve quality of life, economic opportunity, and community awareness in our city.
The Forge believes that fulfilling our mission is not only our responsibility to ourselves, it is our responsibility to the community around us. Making and using tools are universally human experiences . Looking into how we interact with each other, greet newcomers, and encourage ideas, questions, and feedback in our community. Reaching out to do more than invite and encourage diversity, but celebrating and highlighting why and how seeking and including diversity in our community makes it thrive.
Knowledge, understanding, success and even makership have their standard definitions but mean different things to different people. To appropriately serve the community of Greensboro, all of these different perspectives on those familiar terms need to be represented and celebrated. The Forge needs the diversity of opinions, perspectives, and ideas that are offered by different ages, races, gender identities, sexual orientations, physical ability, religions, as well as social, educational, and economic backgrounds.